When you’re looking for a Brandywine, Hockessin, Middletown, Wilmington, Millsboro, or Ocean View, DE dentist, Dental Associates of Delaware is proud to be your premier choice for your optimal healthy, beautiful Delaware smile. Not only are we glad to provide high quality dentistry, but we also pride ourselves in our commitment to patient care. We treat all our patients like family and we only want to see the best for you when it comes to your health. In order to maintain an optimal level of oral health though, we believe you should visit the dentist before heading back to school. Here are a couple of reasons why we believe this is so important.
You’ll Have More Time to Schedule an Appointment
When you’re in school, you obviously won’t have as much free time. This will give you fewer opportunities to schedule an appointment with us. It’s possible that you may even have to leave school to go to a dental appointment. If you schedule a visit over the summer, this won’t be a problem. Since you won’t have school occupying your every weekday from morning to midafternoon, you’ll have a much wider range of times you can come in. You won’t have to skip school or make up any work that you missed out on.
It’s Always Best to Catch Things Early
You should always schedule an appointment with us every six months so we can make sure you’re in good dental health. If there happens to be a dental concern that you’re suffering from, it’s best for us to check it out before it has a chance to get worse. Sometimes you may not even realize that you have a dental problem. That’s why it’s vital to come in for your visit as soon as possible. You can get your dental concerns out of the way before you focus on school.
You’ll Make a Great First Impression!
Going back to school can be a nervous time for anyone. You’ll see some of your old friends and acquaintances again and you’ll also meet many new people. If you’re going to meet someone new it’s important to give off a good first impression. Being able to greet someone with a healthy and friendly smile is one of the best ways to make a wonderful impression on someone you just met – or someone you like!
Contact Your Dentist in Brandywine, Hockessin, Middletown, Wilmington, Millsboro, or Ocean View, DE!
If you’d like to schedule an appointment with us, we encourage you to give us a call at one of our convenient locations. You can reach us at (302) 477-4900 for our Brandywine office, (302) 239-5917 for our Hockessin office, (302) 378-8600 for our Middletown office, (302) 658-9511 for our Wilmington office, (302) 934-8005 for our Millsboro office, or (302) 537-4500 for our Ocean View office. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. We look forward to seeing you and giving you a bright and beautiful smile for the beginning of the school year!